Welcome to No Guidebooks Myanmar. Thanks for visiting.
My name is Chris.
I touched down in Myanmar for the first time on the eighth of February, 2017. Almost straight away I knew I had found my country. Three trips and 84 days later, my fondness for the former Burma shows no signs of letting up.
Those first days in country were a heady mix of excitement over the new sights, smells and experiences assaulting my senses. Beyond that, there was just something about the place; smiles more genuine than anywhere else I had ever been and a natural friendliness that I’ve come to realize is just the way of the Burmese people.
I was enchanted.

Return visits in 2019 and 2020 cemented my feelings–Myanmar is my favorite travel destination.
I realized early on a lot of the Myanmar travel writing was either seriously misguided or flat out wrong.
For example…
Almost everyone said to avoid the trains. Why? Because they’re not up to western standards? Because they’re bumpy? Sure, they’re a bit uncomfortable. But that’s part of the experience. I found them the best way to get around and meet the locals.
Most guides direct visitors to the same four destinations. Four places! In a country larger than France.
And don’t get me started on bloggers with a single two-week trip under their belts who speak of the ‘Ultimate Myanmar Itinerary’.
Bad, worse and the absolute worst.
No Guidebooks
Travelers deserve better and so No Guidebooks Myanmar was born.
This site actually began as an overview of my general travels, not specific to Myanmar. Posts from places like New Zealand, South Africa, Iceland, Cambodia, Indonesia and Azerbaijan still live here, though they’re not a focus anymore.
Anyway, I’m here to share my love for the wonderful destination that is Myanmar, from people to pagodas and everything in between. It’s real, it’s authentic. And I hope you find it useful.
Thanks for reading…
About Me
American suburbanite with parents who fostered my lifelong love of learning and planted the seeds of travel from an early age. Family trips across the USA. An Alaska cruise. National parks. A high school language department trip to Spain and France.
The rest, as they say, is history.
For me, traveling is all about interacting and connecting with people and their respective cultures. It’s about putting down your guidebook and striking out confidently on your own.
My travels revolve around authentic experiences and local connections. A bit of outdoor adventure rounds things out nicely.
I choose guesthouses over hostels and would prefer almost anything to an all-inclusive resort. Including being seriously ill on the slopes of an Indonesian volcano.
I have an ongoing love affair with trains and never pass up an opportunity to ride the rails.
I really don’t care for crowds. At home or abroad.
And I prefer to take my time.
Sounds good
I am a 55 year old female who feels the same! My first dip was when I studied abroad in Paris during my yesrs at the George Washington University. I started taking month long trips alone 5 yrsrs sgo. It is s passion. Right now I in the heart of Kruger Park leaving today to go nack to Cape Town. It has been my most epic and amazing experience.
That’s awesome, Tracey! It’s never too late to do your thing. I just returned from Kruger and South Africa. Hope you’ve had good luck with the wildlife viewing. Happy travels!
I used to love traveling now I cringe at the thought. So it’s good you are doing it while you are still young (and have money). I can barely get off the sofa! I love looking at your photos!
Really, Donna? I didn’t know you felt that way these days! Glad you enjoy the photos. Lots of them will make it here eventually… stay tuned.
Harcore travel is for the young (and the young at heart). the airports, paper work, everything just seems too much anymore. Only place I want to visit now is Israel. Maybe one day. But I love following your adventures.
There are a lot of logistics involved, Donna. No doubt about it. Planning, research, visas, etc.
Maybe we’ll have a North Shore Oahu reunion in Tel Aviv one day, eh?
Appreciate the comment and hope you’re well!
Hi Chris, just found your blog and looking forward to reading it thoroughly in the next few days… particularly the Myanmar pieces as we’re currently planning a trip to Mandalay/Bagan for Xmas 2018! Thanks for sharing your travel stories – great entertainment and info for fellow travellers! And I LOVE your photos! 🙏🏻
I appreciate the kind words! Thank you.
Thrilled you’re headed to Myanmar! It’s my favorite country in the world, hands down. No doubt you’ll have the time of your lives. Such beautiful people. I’m hopeful to go back for round 2 next month. Plenty to come here! I hope you find some useful info to help plan your travels.
Do you have a map of all of the places you have visited? Hope you are doing well – call me soon!
Mrs Mullins! I do not have one of those fancy maps… but I created one just for you. Check your inbox.
Talk soon!